
This blog tells the story of Jayden Rhoades. Jayden was born January 17, 2005 and is only beginning his journey through life.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Jayden is so amazing! I love watching him learn so much. Brian watched him most of the day yesterday so that I could work, but we had a good time reading books together last night. He just watches the book very intently and then touches each picture. It's really funny to watch.

He's up now. I know that he's been up a bit. I heard him playing in his crib about 6:30. I was tired, so I didn't get up. He was babbling away to his stuffed animals, so I let him go. Even when I went to pick him up at 7, I don't think he was ready to hang out with me. He still wanted to linger and play with his friends. I hope that someone gets him a doll for Christmas because he really likes to pretend that he's talking to his animals. He had two bottles the other day pretending they were talking to each other. He would shake one when it was talking and then let the other one talk. Then he would poke one with the nipple from the other and go back and forth. I'm so glad that he has a wonderful imagination. So many children today don't seem to have any at all.


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