
This blog tells the story of Jayden Rhoades. Jayden was born January 17, 2005 and is only beginning his journey through life.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Hugs and Hugs

Jayden's been a hugging little man the past couple of days. He's precious because if he wants to hug you, then he will run to you and almost barrel you over while he puts his little head down into your chest. Then he puts his skinny little arms around your neck, intertwines his fingers, and lays his head on your shoulder. It feels so good to get a hug from him because it's just so sweet.

Today, Brian's getting off work at 4. We're going to meet so that we can get our hair cut. Then we're going to go to the outlet mall in Georgetown. They don't have a lot of stores, but they have a Van Heusen, Rack Room Shoes, and Dress Barn. I think they have an Osh Kosh, too, but I can't remember. We should be able to pick up a few pieces.


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