
This blog tells the story of Jayden Rhoades. Jayden was born January 17, 2005 and is only beginning his journey through life.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Camping & Measles

Well, we're back from the camping trip. We decided Friday late to leave on Saturday. By the time Brian got home from work and we drove up there, it would have been dark already. So we stayed Saturday and Sunday nights. Jayden had a blast until late Sunday evening.

He started running a fever Sunday. We thought he got too hot during the day because we went to a colonial village, and he walked around. His temperature was 102.4. We've been giving him Tylenol every 3-4 hours, but it got up to 104 tonight.

We called our doctor's office and their voicemail sent us to the University of Kentucky's children's hospital. We talked to a nurse there who thinks Jayden has the measles. He has little red splotches that started this afternoon in front of his ear and are now on his arm and back. We're just watching right now. We gave him a sponge bath, and we're trying to keep him drinking. If his temperature goes up that high again, I'm taking him to the emergency room. Otherwise, I'll call the doctor Tuesday and see if we need to come in.

So, I'm tired from being up with him all night last night, and I know that I'll be up and down tonight, too. I have some pictures from the trip. I hope I can post them sometime this week.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I know it's been forever since I've written. I've just been really down, and the blogs haven't been on my priority list. Jayden is growing so quickly and learning so much. He now "talks" all the time. We're beginning to pick out things he says. He often says "there you go" and "diader" (for diaper) and those types of things. He also looked for "De-ddy" everyday about the time Brian's supposed to come home. Of course, Brian's working long days now, so he's not getting home on time.

Yesterday, Brian went in at 6. Jayden was asleep when Brian came home from work for lunch, and then he didn't get home until about 7:30. Jayden spent the half hour before Brian got home at the window. As soon as Brian pulled up, Jayden started yelling "de-ddy, de-ddy." He was giggling and waving his little twig arms. He was so cute!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Swimming Pool

Jayden's loving his swimming pool. The little swim trunks we got him are very cute. They're red with a little white stripe down the side, and he looks adorable in them. They come almost down to his ankles, but he likes to "swim" in them.

He's been busy. He now has "conversations" with us. He will go on and on, and he responds every time you ask him a question. A lot of phrases are starting to make more sense. Yesterday he said, "look, Dad" when he was trying to show Brian something. He seems to be catching on to a lot of words now.

He is throwing little fits, though. I know it's his age, but it's frustrating. If you take anything or won't let him do what he wants, then he cries and shakes his little baby fists. We just say, "no" once or twice, and he usually stops crying. That's how I know he's not upset. Thirty seconds, and he's over it.