
This blog tells the story of Jayden Rhoades. Jayden was born January 17, 2005 and is only beginning his journey through life.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Terrible Twos Hitting Early?

Jayden and I went out yesterday, and he really acted up. When we were in Wal-Mart, he got mad because I wouldn't let him topple a Roman vase. I told him that he had to get back into the cart and tried to pick him up. He made himself go limp and laid out in the floor. I pretended to walk away, and he started running to catch me. So in the end, he wasn't all that upset.

Then we went to Jo-Ann Fabrics. There were a ton of people in line when we were checking out. When I was writing the check, he grabbed a huge bag of party mints off the rack and started walking off. I said, "Jayden, come back."

As soon as I got "Jayden" out of my mouth, he started running. The women in line were cracking up. I caught him and brought him back to the counter where I had to hold a very wiggly Jayden while I finished writing out the check.

One of the women said, "Oh, Mom, let him get the mints. He wants them."

They were all cooing at him, and he, of course, was just grinning. After all, he is adorable.


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