
This blog tells the story of Jayden Rhoades. Jayden was born January 17, 2005 and is only beginning his journey through life.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Jayden went to the eye doctor yesterday. I was really curious as to how they would check his eyes. Dr. Munsun had him look at little stripes and solids on fans. If his eyes focus on the patterns instead of the solids, then he can see well. Apparently he has very good vision at this point.

She also dilated his eyes. Let me tell you how much fun it is to keep a 13-month-old occupied for 30 minutes in a waiting room. He was everywhere! Luckily for him, all of the women in the office thought he was cute. They kept saying, "oh let him do what he wants."

I was thinking, "he'll destroy the place if you give him 5 minutes." He grins, and then everybody thinks it's okay to let him go.

He was pretty well-behaved, though. He was intrigued by all of the doctor's equipment, so he was very good during the actual exam.


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