
This blog tells the story of Jayden Rhoades. Jayden was born January 17, 2005 and is only beginning his journey through life.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Good Boy

When I get frustrated with Jayden, I try to remember that he really is a good little guy. He's very well-behaved for a nine-month-old. I am afraid that if we had more children, which looks less and less like a possibility, that I would be overwhelmed by a baby who may not be as well-behaved as Jayden. He rarely cries, and when he does, there's a reason. I still don't quite get the parents who say, "she was crying for no reason at all."

Maybe our kids are just different, but Jayden doesn't do that. It may be hard to determine why he's crying, but there's always a reason for it. He doesn't even cry when he has a dirty diaper or wants a nap. He will grunt about his diapers, and when he wants a nap during the day, he just comes over and climbs in my lap. He'll put his precious little head on my shoulder, and I can take him upstairs and put him in his crib. He'll go to sleep on his own.

He fights Brian more at night. I don't know if it's because Brian will let him get up or because he knows that night-time sleep is longer. Still, he doesn't like the go down for the night. I dread it everyday and am secretly glad that it's usually one of Brian's jobs.


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